Preparing for Transfer

This page outlines the steps to take before transferring media objects.

  • Locating and verifying carriers against SPEC records
  • Removing non-digital archives carriers
  • Choosing transfer methods
  • Setting up space to store files on RAID

Locating Carriers

  • Carriers are located on shelving by the entrance door
  • Carriers to be transferred are likely on 02.** shelves

Before a media object can be imaged it first must be recorded SPEC.

Verifying SPEC records

An acquisition record should exist in SPEC and SPEC object records should exist
for each carrier being transferred.

Verifying acquisition record exists in SPEC

  • Use the Filemaker Pro desktop app or or web app to access SPEC
  • Log in with your credentials
  • Navigate to the bottom left of the screen
  • Select Find/propose an acquisition under Acquisitions heading
Select to view image SPEC find acquisition screen
  • Enter acquisition number in the ID field or name in the Acquisition field
Select to view image SPEC acquisition search
  • Select search

Contact Collection Management if you cannot find the acquisition

Verifying object records exist in SPEC

  • Select the acquisition from the list
Select to view image SPEC acquisition search results
  • Note if there are any associated collections
Select to view image SPEC associated collections
  • Navigate to the left side of the screen
  • Note the number of items listed for Digital media under Extent Summary
Select to view image SPEC extent summary
  • Select format summary next to Extent Summary, the right most button

  • Select digital media, mouseover text reads go to object records

Select to view image SPEC format summary
  • Confirm the number of carriers Digital Archives has match the object records
Select to view image SPEC object records list
  • Confirm the number of items listed for Digital media matches the object records
  • Report mismatch of digital media summary and object records to Systems and Operations

Contact Collection Management if the number of carriers and records don’t match

Verifying additional carriers from Archival Processing

When archivists survey a collection they may find additional carriers in boxes.
Archivists should create object records for any carriers they find and notify
Digital Archives of their discovery.

  • Verify objects records exist in SPEC

Contact the processing archivist if the number of carriers and records don’t match

Handling Commercial Software

These instructions are for Digital Preservation staff (including fellows) only.

  • Label commercial software with a simple acquisition name.
    • Crouch for Stanley Crouch papers.
  • Image commercial software only when specifically instructed to do so.
  • Commercial software media don’t receive objects records.

When objects records were created for commercial software create an issue.

  • Select issues from the object record menu in SPEC
Select to view image SPEC
  • Select Add Issue
Select to view image SPEC Issue Add button
  • Select Type: Digital Media
  • Enter Issue: Commercial Software
Select to view image SPEC Issue input

Choosing Transfer Methods

File transfer is the most common method of migrating files to more stable storage.
Disk imaging is done when an image is required to access files, usually for emulation
of legacy file types.

File transfer methods include:

  • Rsync
  • Bagit
  • Mass Optical Disc File Transfer with Nimbie (creates bags and other transfer metadata)
  • Cloud Transfer - Rclone
  • FTK Imager File Export
  • IsoBuster File Export

Disk Imaging methods include:

  • Kryoflux Imaging
  • FTK Imager
  • dd

Choosing Transfer Method by Carrier

Digital Archives has a standard transfer method for most of the carrier types we
encounter. Generally, carriers will be transferred with the standard method unless
standard methods fail.

Carrier Transfer
External Hard Drive File Transfer
Internal Hard Drive File Transfer
Thumb Drive File Transfer
SD Card File Transfer
Optical Media Mass Optical Disc Transfer
Floppy Disk Floppy Disk Imaging - Kryoflux
Iomega Disk Iomega Disk Imaging - FTK Imager
Google Drive Cloud File Transfer - Rclone

Verifying Storage Space

Before beginning transfer make sure Digital Archives Diskstation (DADS) has enough
space to store the transfers.