Completing Transfer

This page outlines the steps to take after transferring media.

  • Verifying all carriers were transferred
  • Verifying all packages meet requirements
  • Verifying all SPEC records were updated
  • Storing the carriers and updating Location

Verifying all carriers were transferred

  • Note when carrier transfer fails
  • Note when carriers are identified as AMI
    • Update objects in SPEC
    • Send carriers to Audio and Moving Image Description

(Refer to transfer instructions for the format you are transferring)

Verifying all packages meet requirements

packaging instructions to follow

  • Run the packaging script

Updating records in SPEC

  • Navigate to objects records for an acquisition in SPEC (see verifying acquisition)
  • Select an object record to update
  • Select no status indicated under MIGRATION/DIGITIZATION STATUS on the left
Select to view image MIGRATION/DIGITIZATION STATUS in object record
  • Select Add Migration Status
Select to view image add migration status button
  • Select a status from the dropdown
Select to view image migration status dropdown
  • Select a date

Storing the carriers

  • Return carriers to shelving by the entrance door
  • Place carriers on 02.** or 03.** shelves as space allows
  • Update the carriers’ location in Trello using the Location Custom Field
  • Update the carriers’ location in SPEC