This page outlines times archivists and Digital Archives staff should communicate. Archivists are encouraged to contact Digital Archives staff any time they have questions.
- Contact Digital Archives when digital media are in an accessioned collection.
Collection Start
- Contact Digital Archives when you start a collection with digital media.
- Discuss your time frame for processing the collection.
- Find out whether media has been transferred and how that will affect your processing schedule.
- Discuss whether you would like to appraise/survey hard drive directories before transfer.
Survey Directories
Not implemented
- Report the titles of directories to retain to Digital Archives
- Report on duplicates and PII found by Bulk Reviewer to Digital Archives
Processing Proposal
- Contact Digital Archives and discuss whether it is possible to survey electronic records for the processing proposal.
- Contact Digital Archives if you find any digital media while processing the collection.
- Use “digital carriers” in the title of the email when you contact Digital Archives.
- Contact Digital Archives and discuss your processing time frame.
- Discuss whether you will be arranging electronic records at your workstation or using FTK.
- Digital Archives will contact you with a weekly email check-in while you are processing.
Arrangement in FTK
- Wait for confirmation that your collection is loaded in FTK before reserving time on the Digital Archives Lab calendar.
- Schedule time on the Digital Archives Lab calendar at least 24 hours in advance.
- Contact Digital Archives when you are done arranging in FTK.
- After you are done arranging in FTK, Digital Archives will conduct an ER level review.
- After Digital Archives ER review, they will send you a JSON file to import extents in ASpace.
Arrangement at an Archivist’s Workstation
- You will receive a hard drive with electronic records if you are arranging at your workstation.
- Contact Digital Archives when you are done creating and arranging ER folders.
- After you are done arranging ER folders, Digital Archives will conduct an ER level review.
- After Digital Archives ER review, they will send you a JSON file to import extents in ASpace.
Wrap up
- Contact Digital Archives when your finding aid is approved.
- Digital Archives will contact you for clarification or revisions.