Completing a Digital Item Request

This page describes steps for Digital Archives staff completing digital item requests once a request has been received.

Item Request is received and assigned:

Locate associated media id(s) and objects(s)

  • Using information like collection name, class-mark, and description from the request (and moving between SPEC and CMS); identify the collection number (the id beginning with M*) associated with the requested item(s).
    • You may also utilize inscriptions on the associated media carrier(s) for the requested items.
  • Once the collection number has been identified, search the collection for the media carrier(s) that may hold the requested item.
    • The relationship between M* number and requested item(s) is not always one-to-one as requested items may have come from a range of media carriers. For instance, a requested set of images from a performance may have been received as several CD-R disks.
    • Any inscription on the associated media carrier(s), or recorded in the CMS record of associated media carrier(s) may also be helpful in finding requested items.

Prepare Items for Sharing

  • Create a folder for requested items.
    • Folder should be named with the service now ticket number of request.
  • On Digital Archives workstation navigate to the associated collection folder.
  • Navigate to the /objects folder.
  • Copy items from /objects folder to the folder you created and named with the service now ticket number.

Uploading requested images to Google Drive:

  • Once the requested item(s) have been located and prepared, upload the item folder to the Collection Share google drive folder named for the curatorial division of the requester. Instructions for uploading item folders to google drive using rclone are listed below.

    • Use rclone to upload requested items to collection share folder via terminal command.
    • An rclone command roughly follows the syntax:
      rclone sync source/directory remote-name:destination/directory
    • For detailed instructions on configuring rclone, including setting remote locations, see our rclone installation and configuration guide. Rclone quick start installation instructions can also be found in our Software section.

Completing Item Request

  • Share google drive folder with initial item requester and notify them via email that items have been shared.
  • On Trello, move the request card to the Awaiting Deletion list and assign a deletion date.
  • On the deletion date, delete the shared folder from Google Drive.