
required for outgoing loans, otherwise optional, multiple values

Value records the monetary value of an object at any given time. Access to object value is restricted by account privileges. Users with access to view and/or edit an object may not have access to view and/or edit the object’s value. An object can have multiple values assigned. Each value consists of multiple elements.


required, single numeric value
The value in USD.


required, single controlled value
Indicates whether the value is based on a formal appraisal or curatorial estimate.

Assigned By

highly recommended, single controlled value
Records the staff member who assigned the value.

Date Assigned

required, single date value
The date the value was assigned. SPEC auto-populates the field to the current date; the field can be modified manually, if necessary.


optional, free text
Use this field to enter any additional information about the assigned value.


The left panel of the Object Record interface displays the latest value assigned to an object. Click on the value or the placeholder text under the Value heading to view details about all previously assigned values or to add a new value in the Value pop-up window. Click the green + ADD VALUE button to add data. Click the x button to the left of the value entry to delete a value added by mistake.