Several object record exports are available from the Object Search interface. Use the Export button in the lower right corner of the Object Search interface. In the pop-up window, specify a file name or leave the field blank to use the default file name and select one of the following exports:
- Object Search Export: exports a .csv file with most object record data for all objects in the object search results list
- AMI Export: exports a .csv file with most AMI specific fields, limits objects in the object search results list to AMI items
- CLMGT Box List: exports a .csv file with custom selection of object record data and custom field labels for all objects in the object search results list (not available in browser)
- Digital Media Labels: exports an .xlsx file with a list of object identifiers that consist of the objects’ acquisition id and SPEC object id, limits objects in the object search results to digital media (not available in browser)
All exports download to the user’s desktop when using the client. When using the browser exports download to the location specified in the browser’s settings.
Each of the List Edit interfaces also contains an object export. Use the Export (CSV) button in the lower left corner of the List Edit interfaces to export object record data for all objects visible in the list. The fields exported vary based on the interface from which the export is initiated.
Additional AMI item exports are availabe from the Collection Summary interface, see SPEC Collections / AMI Exports for more information.
See also Audit Log Export.