Safe Handling Guide for Special Collection 3-D Objects
Standard practices of all movement of collection materials for exhibitions, pop-ups, and other displays of collection items
Created June 2023
When handling special collection objects, the following practices are expected:
AVOID wearing anything that might damage objects by scratching or snagging the surface, such as rings and other jewelry, watches, belt buckles, Library ID.
NEVER eat or drink around objects.
Handle objects only when necessary.
LOOK carefully at an object before lifting. Ask yourself:
Is the surface fragile?
Are there any clues to make me think it is damaged?
Where am I going to put the object, and is there a clear space set aside for it?
Use carts for transport of materials.
Do not carry objects in your hands.
Object should not exceed the maximum weight capacity of the cart.
Use BOTH HANDS to lift an object.
If an object is in a container, lift only the container.
WEAR well fitted NITRILE GLOVES when lifting objects that can be damaged by bare hands (such as metal objects).
If you break or damage something, tell the center Collection Manager and Registrar immediately. Take photos.
Once objects are placed in display cases, the display case cannot be moved without deinstallation of materials.
Rubbermaid cart
A-frame cart
Nitrile gloves
Contact your research center’s collection manager with questions.