as needed, multiple values
Restrictions are conditions governing the accessibility of an object. An object can have multiple active or inactive restrictions. Expired restrictions are not deleted from object records, rather they are made inactive by entering an end date to maintain historical data. Each restriction consists of multiple elements.
required, single controlled value
The restriction type classifies the conditions that govern the accessibility of an object. These types help identify the nature of the restrictions applied, such as those related to preservation needs, content sensitivity, or other factors. The following restriction types are available in SPEC:
- Security: A (valuable) object that is a target for theft
- Preservation: Object that may be damaged if used
- Content: Object with content that violates someone’s privacy or donor placed restriction
- Hazard: Object that could be harmful to staff and users
- Unknown: Object marked as closed or restricted for as yet undocumented reasons
Restriction Description
highly recommended, single free text value
Description further clarifies the nature of the restriction.
required, single date value
Specifies the date the restriction became active. SPEC auto-populates the field to the current date; the field can be modified manually, if necessary.
as needed, single date value
Specifies the date the restriction expired or will expire (if known).
Restrictions can viewed or updated by navigating to the Restrictions tab of the pop-up window editing interfaces accessible via the Edit object record shortcut on the Object Search and the List Edit interfaces, and via the Restictions section of the Object Record interface. See Populating and Editing Object Records for more information.