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Environmental Monitoring Manual
Collection Management Procedures and Instructional Guide
June 2022, updated January 2024
Collection Management (CM) conducts monthly monitoring of all spaces in which collections are used and stored using HOBO datalogger devices. Environmental conditions are analyzed in eClimateNotebook and findings are shared with Collection Management (CLMGT) in monthly email reports using Airtable. HVAC adjustments and concerns are communicated to Facilities. Monthly monitoring is useful for collecting long term preservation data and addressing current preservation needs.
Section 1: Downloading Data
Environmental data from all spaces is downloaded each month at the end of the month. In addition, Collection Management sometimes increases monitoring in particular spaces when there are specific causes for concern, such as when there is consistently high RH, if there are drastic changes in conditions throughout a previous month that we want to keep an eye on, or if we are contacted by a concerned division staff member.
Section 1.1: HOBO Dataloggers
HOBO MX1101 datalogger devices are used to monitor the environmental conditions across the Research Libraries and LSC in all spaces where collections are found, including storage, collection workspaces, reading rooms, galleries, and offices. For a comprehensive list of all dataloggers, both current and discontinued, and where they are located, see the “Loggers” table in the Preservation Environment Airtable Base. This table lists the three different names each logger is referred to by: logger number, the HOBO Mobile Logger Name, and the eClimateNotebook Location Dataset Name. It can be helpful to reference the table while collecting data to know exactly where each logger is located and to ensure that none are accidentally missed.
Section 1.1.1: Dataloggerpalooza
All dataloggers across the Research Libraries and LSC are replaced every two years in September to ensure accurate calibration in an event referred to as Dataloggerpalooza. All of the dataloggers are replaced and new ones are deployed. It is also determined if any dataloggers need to be discontinued, added, or locations changed. There are four main tasks associated with the event:
Set up new dataloggers
Enter new logger information in Preservation Environment Airtable base
Deploy new loggers to storage areas
Remove old loggers
For instructions on how to complete each of these tasks, see Dataloggerpalooza Procedures.
Section 1.2: HOBOconnect
HOBOconnect is the app used to download data from the HOBO Dataloggers. It can be downloaded onto an iPad or personal cell phone and it connects to the loggers via Bluetooth. To download environmental data:
1) Download the HOBOconnect app on an iPad or cell phone.
2) The first time you open the app, tap on “Settings” in the lower right corner of the bottom menu bar. Under “User Settings,” select “US” for the “Units” and select “CSV” for “Default Export Format.”
3) Next, tap on “Devices” in the lower left corner of the bottom menu bar.
4) As you walk around to different spaces in your building, loggers will become visible. The full HOBOconnect logger name will not show up until your device has connected to the logger at least once. Until that point, it will just show the logger’s serial number. For the exact location of every logger, see the “Loggers” table in the Preservation Environment Airtable Base.
5) Stand in the general area of the logger. Wait until you see the logger you want pop up on the screen. When it does, make sure that the logger says, “Logging” and not “Stopped.” If it says “Stopped” something went wrong. Likely, the memory on the logger is full or the batteries died.
- If your logger has stopped logging or is missing, you will need to create a Logger Event in the “Logger Events” table in the Preservation Environment Airtable Base. For instructions on how to do so, see the base description, which is accessible by clicking on the down arrow next to the title of the base and scrolling down to the section focusing on the “Logger Events” table.
6) Tap the logger you want to download.
7) Select “Download Data.” Wait for the download to complete. If the readout takes a long time or stops, you may need to start over and get closer to the logger. To easily find a logger, press and hold on “Beep Logger” and the logger will make a sound.
8) Once the download completes, tap “Done” at the bottom of the screen.
9) To confirm that the data was downloaded, click on the folder icon labeled “Data” on the bottom of the screen.
10) Each of the data files that you have downloaded will be listed here.
11) There is a bulk download feature for downloading multiple loggers that are close to one another at the same time. Click on “Bulk Download” in the upper right corner of the “Devices” page.
12) Select the loggers you want to download by clicking on the small circle to the left of the logger name. The small circle will be empty until it is selected, when it is then filled with a checkmark. Once you select the loggers you want to download, click on “Download X loggers.”
13) Once the loggers finish downloading, select “Done” in the top left corner of the screen.
14) Next, check to see how much battery each logger has as well as how full the memory is. In the current version of the app, you do so by looking at the small icons on the logger screen. Select a logger to connect. The small battery icon at the top of the screen indicates how much battery is left. If there is only one bar left, the batteries should be replaced. The small icon on the lower right indicates the amount of memory used. If it appears to be almost full, the logger’s memory should be cleared.
- If the batteries need to be replaced: make sure to download and export any data on the logger first, because otherwise it will be lost. Once the data is downloaded, then take out the old batteries and put the new ones in. When the logger pops up in the logger list in the app, it will say “Power Reset.”
- Next, click on “Configure & Start” in the upper left of the screen in the app. A window will pop up confirming that you want to configure the device. Click “Yes.” Then, click the “Start” button on the bottom right.
- If the logger’s memory needs to be cleared: click on “Configure & Start” in the upper left of the screen in the app. A window will pop up confirming that you want to configure the device. Click “Yes.” Then, click the “Start” button on the bottom right. 15) Once you finish downloading the data for all spaces in your building, the files need to be exported. Click on the folder icon labeled “Data” on the bottom of the screen.
16) Click “Export and Share” in the upper right corner.
17) Select each of the files you want to export and then select “Export X Files” at the bottom of the screen.
18) A window will pop up at the bottom of the screen asking for which format you want the files in. “CSV” should already be listed. Then press “Export.”
19) Each of the files will download and show up in green when they are ready to share. Once all files are downloaded, a window will pop up at the bottom of the screen. Select “Share” and send them to yourself via email.
- Only 20 files can be exported at a time, so repeat this process as many times as necessary until all files are exported.
20) Once you export the data from HOBOconnect and receive the email(s) with your downloaded data, download the files onto your computer. You can download the folder so all of the files are downloaded together. The downloaded file will be zipped due to its size, so right click on the folder and select “Extract All.”
21) The data is now ready to be uploaded into eClimateNotebook
22) These exported files with the raw data from HOBOconnect also need to be saved in the Environmental Monitoring folder in the Google Drive. Select the folder for the present year, and then click on your building. Open the folder titled “Uploaded to ECNB” and save the files here. The files do not need to be renamed or changed at all and they are not organized in any particular way. Simply drag and drop the files into the folder. Keeping these files is more of a precautionary measure in the event of an eClimateNotebook crash. They can then be deleted from your downloads as well as your email.
23) Once you confirm that the data has been successfully uploaded to eClimateNotebook (for how to do so, see Section 2.1: Uploading New Data) and saved in the Google Drive, you can delete the files. If you have a small number of files, you can delete them in HOBOconnect, by swiping from right to left on each individual file and selecting the trash can. When it asks you to confirm, select “Delete.”
24) If you have a large number of files to delete, this can be done by batch in the “Files” app on your phone or iPad. The app will be located in different locations on different devices, so if you are struggling to find the icon, just search for “Files” in the search bar on your device.
25) When you open the Files app, make sure that you are in the “On my iPad” page (or “On my iPhone” if using your phone).
26) Click on the HOBOconnect folder.
27) Click on the “CSVs” folder.
28) Click on the three dots in the upper right corner and choose “Select.” Click on all of the datasets you would like to delete and then click on the trash can icon in the lower right corner. Deleting the files here will also delete them from the HOBOconnect app. If you go back to the “Data” page, it will now be empty.