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Content Estimates

optional, multiple values

Content estimates indicate the number of items and their formats within a container for statistical and planning purposes. Update content estimates as necessary. A container can have multiple content estimates depending on the formats it contains.

Content estimates include a count, format, class, and media, and GB if appropriate.

Use “manuscripts” for textual documents that are not printed (e.g., handwritten or typed) or for printed documents with extensive handwritten annotations. Use “archives (paper)” for mixed items in various formats (including photographs) that are difficult to count separately. Count the number of sheets of paper. Always count the number of sheets, not intellectual units like letters. Indicate class and media whenever possible.

See Format and related fields for more information.

If items are moved from one container to another, deactivate the content estimate in the original container. If a container is made inactive, content estimates will automatically be deactivated and the counts will no longer be used in statistical calculations.

Content estimates can viewed or updated by navigating to the Estimates tab of the pop-up window editing interfaces accessible via the Edit object record shortcut on the Object Search and the List Edit interfaces, and via the Content Estimates section of the Object Record interface. A single content estimate can also be viewed and added in the Basic Fields window and in the List Edit - ALL interface. See Populating and Editing Object Records [ADD LINK] for more information.