Over 90 object record elements can be searched either individually or in combination using the advanced object search. To access the advanced search, click on Search all objects in the Objects section on the SPEC landing page to navigate to the Object Search interface, then click Advanced search in the upper right corner to open the advanced search pop-up window.

Advanced Search is separate from Basic Search and Use additional search fields found on the main Object Search interface. The advanced search performs a new search; it does not expand or constrain the found set of objects that may appear in the object search result list.

Select a field to search from the drop down menu and enter or select a search term. Click + to add search criteria or the x button to remove search criteria, select a boolean operator (AND is the default). Optionally, click the gray ( and ) to parenthesize a subset of search criteria, turning the parenthesis green.

The following options appear in the advanced search interface:

  • Include Inactive Records: Searches automatically exclude inactive records. Click this check box to include them.
  • Do not include contained objects: Searches automatically include objects on the shelf and objects contained in other objects. Click this check box to exclude objects contained in other objects.
  • Clear Terms: Clears all entered values for the fields selected.
  • Reset: Resets all fields and clears any entered values.
  • Search: Execute the search.

It may take up to a few minutes for the advanced search to execute, especially if the search criteria results in a very large found set.

Click the x button in the upper right to close the advanced search window without executing the search. Advanced search will remember the user’s last search.

Search Help

To find Type this in the field Examples
Not empty (fields that have data) * *
Empty (fields without data) = =
Words that start with specific roman characters (works with fields that use any language except Japanese) The characters Chris Smith finds Chris Smith, Smith Chris, Chris Smithson, and Smith Christenson
A phrase or sequence of characters that match when they are the first characters in a word (match phrase from word start) The literal text (characters), including spaces and punctuation, between double quotation marks (“) “Marten and Jones Interiors” finds Marten and Jones Interiors but not Jones and Marten Interiors; “Spring” finds Springville but not ColdSpring Harbor or HotSpring
Words with one or more unknown or variable characters (any one character) One wildcard character (@) for each unknown character Gr\@y finds Gray and Grey; @on finds Don and Ron but not Bron
Words with zero or more unknown or variable text characters in a row (zero or more characters) * for all unknown characters Jo*n finds Jon and John; J*r finds Jr. and Junior; *phan* finds Phan and Stephanie; S* finds Sophie, Steve, and Sven
Exact matches of the text you specify (match entire field) == (two equal signs) for a field content match ==John finds John but not John Smith; ==John Smith finds John Smith but not Smith, John or John Smithers
Exact matches of whole words you specify (match whole word) = =Market finds Market, Market Services, and Ongoing Market Research but not Marketing or Supermarket; =Chris =Smith finds Chris Smith or Smith Chris but not Chris or Christopher Smithson
A number The number .50 finds .5, .50, and $.50
One or more numeric digits A # character for each digit # finds 3 but not 30; ## finds 30 but not 3 or 300; #3 finds 53 and 43 but not 3
A date The date as digits, separated by a valid date separator character (such as a slash or hyphen) 3/3/2019 finds 3/3/2019, March 3, 2019, and 3-3-2019
Today’s date // // finds April 4, 2019 (when the current date is 4/4/2019)
Any valid value for a date or time component in a date, time, or timestamp * or leave component unspecified, while specifying the other components you want to find 5/12/* finds the 12th day of May in any year; 5/12 finds the 12th day of May in the current year; *:15 finds times 15 minutes after any hour; 1/1/* 7 PM finds timestamps in the 7 o’clock PM hour on January 1st in any year
Within the range you specify .. or … (two or three periods) 12:30…17:30 1/1/2019..6/6/2020 A…M
Less than a specified value < [value] <40 <9/7/2019 <M
Greater than a specified value > [value] >95129 >9/7/2019 >M