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SPEC Acquisitions

SPEC acquisitions are transactions through which the NYPL Research Libraries take ownership of materials. Acquisitions consist of one or more objects. A single acquisition can contain objects that are part of one or more collections, or individual objects that are not part of a collection. Multiple acquisitions can comprise a single collection.

SPEC contains acquisition records for:

  • All special collections acquisitions since SPEC’s adoption for acquisition management in 2021
  • Most special collections acquisitions since 2014 and select older acquisitions input retroactively
  • All Manuscripts and Archives Division acquisitions since 1994

Navigating to the related objects from the extent summary section of the Acquisition Summary opens the Object Search interface showing all active and inactive objects associated with the acquisition.

When navigating to the Object Search from the Acquisition Summary the green new object button will read +Create new object in [Acquisition title] and will auto-populate the new object’s division and associated references based on the acquisition. See Creating Object Records for more information on new object records and SPEC Objects / References for more information on SPEC acquisition, acquisition delivery and collection reference logic in relation to object records.