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optional, multiple values

The issues section of an object record is used to record preservation issues discovered during any assessment, as well as their resolution. Whenever an issue is recorded, SPEC automatically creates a corresponding assessment record if there is no record covering the date the issue was discovered.

Issue Type

required, single controlled value The type of issue entered determines the available choices for the specific issue field.

Noted Date

required, single date value

The date the issue was noticed. SPEC automatically fills in the date that the issue is entered by default.

Noted By

required, single controlled value

The staff member who noticed the issue. SPEC fills in the username of the logged-in user who entered the record by default.


required for condition issues -> structural damage, single numeric value

The severity of structural damage. 1: minimal, 2: moderate, 3: severe.

Resolved On

optional, single date value

The date an issue was resolved.

Resolved By

as needed, single controlled value

Enter the username of the staff member who resolved the issue.


optional, single controlled value

Use this field to indicate a named assessment during which the issue was noticed.


optional, free text

Use this field to enter any additional information about the issue and its resolution.