as needed, multiple values
The issues section of an object record is used to record preservation issues discovered during any assessment, as well as their resolution. Whenever an issue is recorded, SPEC automatically creates a corresponding assessment record if there is no assessment record covering the date the issue was discovered. See Assessments for more information.
required, single controlled value
The type of issue entered determines the available choices for the specific issue field. The following issue types are availabe in SPEC: Condition Issues, Conservation Review, Digital Media, Disposition, Hazard, Housing, Inherent Vice, Location, Media Caputure, Other, Storage Method.
required, single controlled value
Every specific issue is classfied into one of the above types.
Noted Date
required, single date value
The date the issue was noticed. SPEC auto-populates the field to the current date; the field can be modified manually, if necessary.
Noted By
required, single controlled value
Records the staff member who noticed the issue. SPEC auto-populates the field with the name of the user adding the issue; the field can be modified manually, if necessary.
required for condition issues: structural damage, single numeric value
Records the severity of structural damage. 1: minimal, 2: moderate, 3: severe.
Resolved On
as needed, single date value
The date an issue was resolved.
Resolved By
as needed, single controlled value
The name of the user who resolved the issue.
optional, single controlled value
Indicates a named assessment during which the issue was noticed.
optional, free text
Use this field to enter any additional information about the issue and its resolution.
Issues can viewed or updated by clicking on the yellow hazard icon in the Object Search interface, which appears when an object is associated with an unresolved issue. When an object is not already associated with an unresovled issue, add a new issue by navigating to the Issues tab of the pop-up window editing interfaces accessible via the Edit object record shortcut on the Object Search and the List Edit interfaces, and via the Issues section of the Object Record interface. See Populating and Editing Object Records for more information.
Use the Remove issue button only to delete an issue added to an object by mistake, otherwise use the resolved on and resolved by fields to maintain an accurate historical record of object issues.
Use the Bulk Action Menu to add an issue to multiple objects at once. The same issue data will be added to each selected object.