Migration / Digitization Statuses
as needed, multiple controlled values, one active
Objects can have their contents migrated to other media or formats. The most common method of migration is digitization, but in cases involving digital carriers, migration can include disk imaging or file transfers. An object can have one active migration status, and multiple inactive migration statuses at it goes through the migration process.
The left panel of the Object Record interface displays a simplified version of the active migration/digitization status. Click on the status or placeholder text under the Migration / Digitization Status heading to view inactive statuses or to add a new status in the Migration / Digitzation Status pop-up window. Click the green + ADD MIGRATION STATUS button to add a new status. When a new migration status is added, the previous migration status is made inactive. The date a new status is added is used as the active since date of the new status and the inactive since date for the previous status. If a previous status was entered in error, edit the status field instead of creating a new status record.
The migration / digitization status can also be updated in the Digitization, description, additional IDs tab of the AMI specific editing interfaces, see AMI Specific Fields for more information.
When working with a group of objects, migration statuses can be viewed or updated in the List Edit - AMI interface. Use the Bulk Action Menu to update the migration status of multiple objects at once.
Migration statuses are automatically updated when digitization projects are marked as completed. See SPEC Projects [DOCUMENTATION FORTHCOMING] for more information.