AMI Specific Fields

In addition to the object elements that are used to describe all objects in SPEC, there are a number of fields specific to AMI items:

Field Description
AMI id see Basic Fields for more information
Diameter measurement, in inches, for audio reels, video reels, and grooved media
Generation as interpreted during inventory, whether the recording is an original or a copy made subsequently by NYPL or another party
Group used to group items within a collection for rough sorting and to aid future arrangement and description
Sequence for titles consisting of multiple objects, the sequence number of the particular objects as interpreted during inventory; use numbers only
Content date the date of the contents of the object as interpreted during inventory
Content notes notes on the content of the object recorded during inventory, often as transcribed on the object or its container
Preservation notes notes entered during inventory to indicate condition issues
Manufacturer media brand name
Time stock time of the item in minutes
Deaccession? enter y when deaccession is recommended
Deaccession rationale note to indicate why deaccession is recommended
Inspected? film only, enter y if film has been inspected
Inspected by film only, account of user who marked film as inspected
Inspected date film only, date film was marked as inspected

Additional film only fields are: shrinkage, base material, acetate decay level, colorbw, edgecode, volume, film element, FPS, length ft, emulsion position, aspect ratio, fading, scratches, splices, perforation, distortion, and con_average.


AMI specific fields can viewed or updated by navigating to the pop-up window AMI editing interfaces accessible via the Edit AMI specific fields or the Edit AMI film fields shortcuts on the Object Search and the List Edit interfaces. The AMI specific editing interfaces can also be accessed by clicking on the video camera or musical note icon to the right of the object name in the Object Record interface.

The AMI Additional Fields Basic interface includes fields common to most AMI items. The Digitization, description, additional IDs interface includes the Migration / Digitization Status information, the Description field, and a subset of object References (cat bnumber, classmark, and other legacy id type references only). The AMI Film fields interface displays fields used during film inspection.

AMI specific fields, along with general SPEC object fields used to describe AMI, can also be viewed or updated in the List Edit - AMI interface.