📌 tmux: Installation & Usage Guide
(Terminal Multiplexer) is a powerful tool that allows you to manage multiple terminal sessions within a single SSH connection. It ensures long-running tasks continue even if your SSH session disconnects.
📥 Installation
Linux (Debian/Ubuntu)
sudo apt update && sudo apt install tmux
Linux (CentOS/RHEL)
sudo yum install tmux
macOS (via Homebrew)
brew install tmux
Windows (via WSL)
Ensure you have WSL installed, then:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install tmux
Verify installation with:
tmux -V
🚀 Basic Usage
1. Start a New tmux Session
tmux new -s my_session
is an optional session name for easier management.
2. Detach from the Session (Keep Running in Background)
Ctrl + B, then D
- This allows the session to continue running even if you close your SSH connection.
3. Reattach to an Existing Session
tmux attach -t my_session
- If you didn’t name the session, check running sessions:
tmux ls
4. List All Active Sessions
tmux ls
5. Kill a tmux Session
tmux kill-session -t my_session
- To kill all tmux sessions:
tmux kill-server
🎨 Multi-Window & Pane Management
1. Create a New Window
Inside tmux, press:
Ctrl + B, then C
- Creates a new terminal window inside your tmux session.
2. Switch Between Windows
- Next window:
Ctrl + B, then N
- Previous window:
Ctrl + B, then P
- List all windows:
Ctrl + B, then W
3. Split Panes Horizontally
Ctrl + B, then "
4. Split Panes Vertically
Ctrl + B, then %
5. Switch Between Panes
Ctrl + B, then Arrow Key
6. Close a Pane
Ctrl + B, then X
(Confirm with Y
🛠 Troubleshooting
1. “Error Connecting to /tmp/tmux-1000/default”
rm -rf /tmp/tmux-*
tmux new -s my_session
Or check /tmp
ls -ld /tmp
sudo chmod 1777 /tmp
2. tmux Not Found
Ensure installation:
which tmux
If not installed, follow the installation steps above.
🏆 Advanced Tips
Customize tmux with .tmux.conf
Add the following to ~/.tmux.conf
for a better experience:
# Enable mouse support
set -g mouse on
# Start numbering windows from 1 instead of 0
set -g base-index 1
# Set a more intuitive split pane behavior
bind | split-window -h
bind - split-window -v
unbind '"'
unbind %
Apply changes:
tmux source ~/.tmux.conf