
The templates included provide starter pages for short, single-page documents (childless pages) and longer, multi-page documents (pages with children and grand children). For example, this page is the parent of Parent Document and Childless Document and the grand parent of Child Document.


Below are some notes on formatting, YAML / Jekyll front matter, and other important things to consider when creating a new page.

  • nav_order depends on whether the page is a parent, child, or grand child, and must be updated in order to display properly.
  • For example, this page has a navigation order that corresponds to the main pages on this site, and this page does not have a parent. Because this page has children, the nav_order for those children begins at 1, and the nav_order for any grand children would also begin again at 1.
  • Grand children will not appear in the navigation sidebar (i.e. Child Document is actually the grandchild of Documentation Policy, so it doesn’t appear below Parent Document in the sidebar).

Table of contents