Documentation Site Installation and Development

Table of contents

  1. Setting up Ruby Environment with rbenv
    1. Install rbenv
    2. Initialize rbenv in your Shell
    3. Install Ruby 3.1.0
    4. Verify Installation
  2. Install Dependencies
    1. Install Jekyll and Bundler
    2. Set Up Your Project
    3. Install Project Dependencies
  3. Editing Pages and Testing Site Changes Locally

Setting up Ruby Environment with rbenv

If you’re working on a project that requires Ruby, using rbenv to manage Ruby versions can help avoid compatibility issues. Follow these steps to set up Ruby 3.1.0 for Jekyll projects:

Install rbenv

brew install rbenv

Initialize rbenv in your Shell

Add rbenv to your shell to enable automatic Ruby version switching. Append the following lines to ~/.zshrc:

eval "$(rbenv init -)"

After editing, restart your terminal or source your .zshrc file to apply the changes:

source ~/.zshrc

Install Ruby 3.1.0

As of April 2024, Jekyll requires Ruby version 3.1.0 or higher, but not 3.3. Install Ruby 3.1.0 using rbenv:

rbenv install 3.1.0 rbenv global 3.1.0

Note: The global command sets the default Ruby version for all terminals. If you only want to set Ruby 3.1.0 for a specific project, use rbenv local 3.1.0 within the project directory.

Verify Installation

ruby -v

You should see Ruby 3.1.0 as the output. If not, revisit the previous steps for potential corrections.

Install Dependencies

Install Jekyll and Bundler

gem install jekyll bundler

Set Up Your Project

If you haven’t already, clone the repository to your desired location:

git clone

Navigate to the /docs site folder within your local copy of the repository:

cd /path/to/your-project/docs

Install Project Dependencies

Run the following command to install the necessary Ruby gems specified in your project’s Gemfile:

bundle install

Editing Pages and Testing Site Changes Locally

  • Edit Markdown files using a text editor
  • Save and commit changes to the repo.
  • Run cd /path/to/ami-preservation/docs/
  • Run bundle exec jekyll serve
  • Open your Web Browser and navigate to http://localhost:4000
  • Reload page as needed to view changes in real time.