Request Account(s) Process

  1. Please copy and paste the “Account(s) Request Template” into an email and send it to Digital Preservation at
  2. Digital Preservation will create account(s) that fit the business purpose(s). See “Access Types Descriptions” for their differences.
  3. Preservica utilizes Microsoft Azure Single Sign-On and requires Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Depending on your NYPL Microsoft account configuration, you may need to set up MFA for your account. Please watch this Bridge training to understand the general process: Setting Up Microsoft Multi-Factor Authentication.
  4. Try logging into Preservica. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please contact Digital Preservation at

Account(s) Request Template

  1. Is this for a product, software or Application Programming Interface (API) to access Preservica? (Y/N) If yes, please provide a service account email address in “NYPL email” field.
  2. First Name:
  3. Last Name:
  4. NYPL email:
  5. NYPL division:
  6. What are your business purpose(s) for using Preservica:
  7. What functionalities do you need (select all that apply):
    • Read content and metadata
    • Update metadata
    • Ingest/upload content
  8. Do you need access to the Test environment? If yes, what is it for?
  9. Is your Microsoft account set up with Multi-Factor Authentication (Y/N/Not sure)? (You can find out by logging into If it asks you to authenticate with another device, then you are set up!)

Access Types Descriptions

Preservica can be accessed through different mechanisms and by different entities. Therefore, there exists a few account types

Preservica Universal Access

Preservica Universal Access (UA) is the default user interface for NYPL staff to view content within Preservica. It is accessed through Viewing permissions are based on the user’s Preservica UI accounts.

Preservica User Interface

The Preservica User Interface (UI) is the primary user interface for NYPL staff to manage content within Preservica. It is accessed through The UI allows users to perform actions that are configured with their individual roles, e.g. view content and metadata, ingest content, update metadata, etc.

Preservica API Access

The Preservica API (Application Programming Interface) is the primary interface for automated processes such as retrieving or updating contents and metadata. Products or services that require access to the API should establish a separate service account with IT. The Service Account cannot be tied to an individual email address. It must be a group email address, ideally with the product name. That account will be appropriately scoped within the Preservica environment.

Preservica Test Instance

The Preservica Test Instance is used to test new workflows and integrations before they are added to the production instance. Access to this instance is restricted to staff actively involved in Preservica development and requires a dedicated user account from IT.


Please contact Digital Preservation at All issues, concerns and feedback are welcome!