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Note on naming

InuitCSS uses the BEM method of naming its classes. BEM stands for Block Element Modifier, and it works like this:


in which "block" is the name of the chunk you're working on, "element" is the name of the smaller piece of the chunk, and "modifier" is a descriptor. For example, the class name .nav__item would refer to an item contained in the nav chunk (or "block"). .nav__item--last would refer to the last nav item in the list. You can use just the item and descriptor parts of the convention too, as in .form--horiz.

The exception to this naming convention in Base is the color classes, which use intercaps (as in .blueLight).

How to structure layout

First, give the body a class of .grid--center (this will work with some other classes to center its contained elements):

<body class="grid--center">

Then start with sections (which have a set max-width so that the content doesn't stretch unreasonably).


Each section is given a class of .primary, .secondary, or .tertiary, to designate what priority of content they contain. (Sections contain .grid__items, so those section class names also extend the class .grid.)

<section class="primary">

To build a chunk of content, start with a div and the class name .chunk (.chunk extends the class .grid__item):

<section class="primary">
  <div class="chunk">

You can then add grid classes to tell the chunk how to behave in different device contexts:

<section class="primary">
  <div class="chunk one-whole lap-and-up-one-half desk-one-third">

Your section doesn't have to contain divs; maybe the more appropriate containers are article and sidebar, in which case your code might start like this:

<section class="primary">
  <article class="grid__item one-whole desk-two-thirds"></article>
  <sidebar class="grid__item one-whole desk-one-third"></sidebar>

Elements within the chunk can respond to the context too (don't forget to comment out the code whitespace between elements you want to align in the grid system):

<section class="primary">
  <div class="chunk one-whole lap-and-up-one-half desk-one-third">
    <img class="one-whole">
    <h2 class="grid__item one-whole desk-one-half"></h2><!--
    --><p class="grid__item one-whole desk-one-half"></p>

Keep building the structure of the page in this way.

<section class="primary">
  <div class="chunk one-whole lap-and-up-one-half desk-one-third">
    <img class="one-whole">
    <h2 class="grid__item one-whole desk-one-half"></h2><!--
    --><p class="grid__item one-whole desk-one-half"></p>

  --><div class="chunk one-whole lap-and-up-one-half desk-one-third">
    <img class="one-whole">
    <h2 class="grid__item one-whole desk-one-half"></h2><!--
    --><p class="grid__item one-whole desk-one-half"></p>

  --><div class="chunk one-whole lap-and-up-one-half desk-one-third">
    <img class="one-whole">
    <h2 class="grid__item one-whole desk-one-half"></h2><!--
    --><p class="grid__item one-whole desk-one-half"></p>

Helper classes

Inuit recommends to only use a helper class if an element/component doesn’t already have a class to which you could apply this styling, e.g. if you need to float .main-nav left then add float:left; to that ruleset as opposed to adding the .float--left class to the markup. Also note that many of these classes are declared !important because they are intended to override other selectors.

Image positions (floats)




You can use this class in the markup, but Inuit recommends extending it with Sass to avoid over-usage.

Hide from view


Both these classes do the same thing, which is to hide the element from view but not from screen readers.

Add/remove floats


Text alignment


Font weights


Add/remove margins



Add half space




Add/remove paddings



Add half space




Prepending the width classes with either pull-- or push-- will move the element with that class to the left (pull) or right(push).

<div class="pull--one-third">This element is moved over</div>

Media queries

You can use the following breakpoints:


and the following @include in your Sass to take advantage of Inuit's media query mixin:

@include media-query(palm){ [styles here] }


If you're working with the Sass, you can take advantage of variables, media queries, and some handy mixins.

Create type

Create a fully formed type style (sizing and vertical rhythm) by passing in a single value, e.g.:

@include font-size(10px);

CSS vendor prefixes

Create vendor-prefixed CSS in one go:

@include vendor(border-radius, 4px);

CSS keyframes

Create CSS keyframe animations for all vendors in one go:

   @include vendor(animation, shrink 3s);
@include keyframe(shrink){