Creating New Metadata

Describes if and when it is appropriate to create new metadata in the Metadata Management System (MMS)

Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. Steps
    1. Creating Collections
    2. Creating Containers
      1. Creating Containers in Collections
      2. Creating Containers in Containers
    3. Creating Items
      1. Creating Standalone Items
      2. Creating Items within Collections or Containers
    4. Creating Captures
  3. See Also


  • In a typical workflow, metadata elements are populated automatically when importing metadata from other systems:
  • Where source metadata does not exist in a MARC record, finding aid, or TMS record, new metadata can be created in MMS in specific circumstances:
  • The circumstances when it is appropriate to create new metadata records in the Metadata Management System (MMS) are as follows:
    • To describe material at a more granular level than the source record
      • For example, a source record may correspond to a collection or container, and the digitized material warrants item-level description
      • The source record should be imported so that records can be created in the appropriate hierarchy, see By Record Type
      • More granular level description must meet the Minimum Metadata Requirements
    • In cases where an item is digitized partially
      • For example, a source record may correspond to a book that is being partially digitized for a PO or exhibition
      • The source record should be imported so that the structure of the partial digitization is clear
      • See By Material for material specific-guidelines on structuring partial digitization
    • To group records together in MMS within a synthetic collection
      • For example, material is described in the source record at the container- or item-level, but the division wants the records to be grouped together to represent a thematic or conceptual grouping
      • The collection record can be created manually following any relevant material- or division-specific guidelines, and then source records can be imported into the collection
  • Imported or existing records may also be enhanced with additional descriptive metadata elements
    • This extent of this enhancement is at the metadata creator’s discretion based on time and resources available
    • See By Element for local practices for each metadata element and consult any any relevant material- or division-specific guidelines
  • Metadata records should not be created in MMS in lieu of material being cataloged in other Library systems such as Sierra, ArchivesSpace, TMS, or other division-specific descriptive sources
    • The Metadata Service Unit (MSU) has a policy that all material in MMS is cataloged in other Library systems, even if at a higher level than what has been digitized
    • Discuss with Manager, Metadata Services before attempting to create a metadata record for uncataloged material
      • In rare cases where uncataloged material is described in MMS with the permission of the Manager, Metadata Services, an admin note should be added to identify the uncataloged material


See MMS › Metadata › By Record Type for an overview of the four types of records that contain descriptive content and provide organization for digitized material, each of which have their own properties and descriptive practices.

Creating Collections

  1. Review the overview to confirm it is appropriate to create a new collection record
  2. Navigate to the Create Collection form in MMS
    1. Via the the menu bar of MMS, navigate to CollectionsNew
    2. Via the Collections page, click the Create Collection button at the top of the page
  3. Complete the Create Collection form
    1. Add Title (required)
    2. Add Location (required), typically set to Inheritable
    3. Additional elements may be added as appropriate to align the collection record with any relevant material- or division-specific guidelines and ensure all items within it meet the minimum metadata requirements
  4. Click Create Collection

Creating Containers

Creating Containers in Collections

  1. Review the overview to confirm it is appropriate to create a new container record
  2. Navigate to the Overview tab of the collection where the container should be located in MMS
  3. Click Add Containers below the overview and above the the item section
  4. Complete the Create Container form
    1. Add Title (required)
    2. Additional elements may be added as appropriate to align the container record with any relevant material- or division-specific guidelines and ensure all items within it meet the minimum metadata requirements
  5. Click Create

Creating Containers in Containers

  1. Review the overview to confirm it is appropriate to create a new container record
  2. Navigate to the Overview tab of the container where the container should be located in MMS
  3. Click Add Sub-Containers below the overview and above the the item section
  4. Complete the Create Container form
    1. Add Title (required)
    2. Additional elements may be added as appropriate to align the container record with any relevant material- or division-specific guidelines and ensure all items within it meet the minimum metadata requirements
  5. Click Create

Creating Items

Creating Standalone Items

  1. Review the overview to confirm it is appropriate to create a new item record
  2. Navigate to the Create Item form in MMS
    1. Via the the menu bar of MMS, navigate to ItemsNew
    2. Via the Items page, click the Create Item button at the top of the page
  3. Complete the Create item form
    1. Add all minimum metadata requirements
    2. Ensure metadata aligns with any relevant material- or division-specific guidelines
    3. Additional elements may be added as appropriate to describe the item
  4. Click Create

Creating Items within Collections or Containers

  1. Navigate to the Overview tab of the collection or container where the item should be located in MMS
  2. Click Add Items in the Items section
  3. In the Add items prompt:
    1. Specify the Number of items to add
    2. Indicate whether captures should be created for each item in Create __ captures for each item.
      1. Captures can also be created separately
      2. If adding captures, specify the Default capture type if appropriate
  4. Complete the Create item form for each item
    1. Add all minimum metadata requirements
    2. Ensure metadata aligns with any relevant material- or division-specific guidelines
    3. Additional elements may be added as appropriate to describe the item
  5. If creating a single item:
    1. Click Create
  6. If creating multiple items, either:
    1. Click Create and continue to next item
      1. Toggle Create next item as duplicate of this one as appropriate
    2. Click Create this item and stop

Creating Captures

In a typical workflow, captures are not added by MSU staff.

  1. Navigate to the Capture inventory tab of the item where the capture should be located in MMS
  2. Click Add captures below the Capture heading
  3. In the Add captures prompt:
    1. Specify the Number to add:
    2. Input an optional Capture name
    3. Specify the Type of capture
  4. Click Create

See Also

  • Importing CSV Data for steps for importing a comma-separated values (CSV) file as a method for bulk metadata creation