

  • MMS training sessions are provided in conjunction with a new user account for MMS
  • To request additional training sessions for MMS, contact the Manager, Metadata Services, via the email address found in Lair 🔒
  • You will receive a calendar invite with a Google Meet link for a virtual one-hour training session
  • You should plan to share your screen during your training session

Note for Trainers

The training script can be found in metadata-admin 🔒


  1. Metadata Services Unit (MSU)
  2. Metadata Management System (MMS)
  3. Digital Collections (DC)
  4. Basic search
    1. Basic search filtering
  5. Advanced search
  6. Anatomy of MMS records
    1. Data model
    2. Bnumber search
    3. Items
    4. Containers
    5. Collections
  7. Criteria for appearance
  8. Connecting MMS to/from DC
    1. From MMS to DC
    2. From DC to MMS
  9. MSU Documentation
    1. Glossary
  10. Questions?