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A word, phrase, character, or group of characters, normally appearing in a resource, that names it or the work contained in it

Table of Contents

  1. Guidelines
  2. Subelements
    1. Title
    2. Subtitle
    3. Part Number
    4. Part Name
  3. Attributes
    1. Primary
    2. Supplied
    3. Type
    4. Language
    5. Script
  4. See Also


  • If a title, headline, byline, or image caption appears on the resource, transcribe it into a title field
  • If no title, headline, byline, or image caption is visible, devise a unique and descriptive title

See Reparative Description › Workflows for workflows to follow in the event the Title element is found to be harmful, biased, offensive, outdated, or inaccurate.




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A word, phrase, character, or group of characters that constitutes the chief title of a resource, i.e., the title normally used when citing the resource


  • Remove punctuation at the end of the Title—such as periods or colons—unless part of the title as seen on the item
  • Remove brackets enclosing the entirety of the Title
    • If brackets indicated the title was devised and not transcribed from the resource, see Supplied
  • Remove any general material designation from the Title
  • See MARC 245


Recommended if applicable

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A word, phrase, character, or group of characters that contains the remainder of the title information after the title proper


  • Move any text that follows a colon in the Title to the Subtitle
  • Split the Title if it is exceptionally long by moving anything not deemed the primary title to Subtitle
  • Remove any punctuation that separates the Title and Subtitle
  • See MARC 245$b

Part Number

Required if Applicable

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A part or section number of a title


  • Add a Part Number to indicate sequencing in any form (e.g., “Book two,” “Part 1,” or “Supplement A”)
  • Record all numbering/sequencing in a single Part Name using a comma to separate multiple numbering (e.g., “Volume 1, Issue 2”)
  • Remove any punctuation that separates Part Number from other subelements
  • See MARC 245$n

Part Name

Required if Applicable

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A part or section name of a title


  • Add a Part Name to record a name designation for a part or section of a work
  • Remove any punctuation that separates Part Name from other subelements
  • See MARC 245$p



Required if Applicable

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Used for a repeated element to declare that a particular instance of the element is most important


  • Check Primary for one Title element if more than one Title element exists for a record
  • If Primary is checked for a Title element, do not use the Type dropdown on that title


Recommended if Applicable

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Indicates whether the content of the element has been supplied from external sources, or from a source other than the ones prescribed by the content standard used


  • If no title, headline, byline, or image caption is visible, devise a unique and descriptive title according the guidelines and check Supplied
  • Do not check Supplied for the following as they are not replacements for missing titles
    • Collection titles
    • Container titles
    • Titles describing correspondence, manuscripts, or other archival materials
  • Do not enclose titles checked as Supplied in brackets
  • Optionally, for an item record with a title from an external source such as a processing document, add a Title element accompanied by a Note element describing the title’s source with the Type: content


Strongly Recommended if Applicable

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Identifies what type of title is recorded


  • When there are multiple titles, Type is strongly recommended for all additional Title elements except for the Title marked Primary
  • Various title forms may be entered to enhance the possibility for discovery of a resource for:
    • Single titles within a multi-titled resource
    • To bring out titles contained within a main title
    • To spell out abbreviated terms or numerals
    • To modernize archaic forms
    • To reformat erroneous title information
    • To provide a descriptive title when the main title is not descriptive
  • Select the Type according to the following definitions:
    • Abbreviated: title as abbreviated for indexing or identification
    • Translated: translation or transcription of the main title
      • Record translations of titles in two separate title elements rather than expressing their equivalency within a single field (e.g. “Chinese lives = Huaxia ren sheng”)
      • Select the appropriate Language from the dropdown for the corresponding Title element
      • See MARC 242 and MARC 246
    • Alternative: varying form of the title if it contributes to the further identification of the item
    • Uniform: used as a main entry in a bibliographic record when a work has appeared under varying titles, necessitating that a particular title be chosen to represent the work



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Indicates the language of the content of an element


  • Select the language of the title from the dropdown
  • Do not use the Language subelement of Title to record the language of the content of the resource
    • Use the Language subelement within the Language element to record the language of the content of the resource
  • If you are unsure of the language of the title, leave Language blank or select Undetermined


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Indicates the script used for an element


  • Select the script of the title from the dropdown if it is a non-Roman script or not the default script of the title’s language
  • Do not use the Script subelement of Title to record the script of the content of the resource
    • Use the Script subelement within the Language element to record the script of the content of the resource
  • If you are unsure of the script of the title, leave Script blank or select Undetermined

See Also