Physical Description


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Physical characteristics of the resource

Table of Contents

  1. Purpose
  2. Guidelines
  3. Subelements
    1. Form
    2. Extent
    3. Note
  4. See Also


  • To provide information about the physical details of the analog source object including physical format or medium, length, number, size, or duration
  • To provide a means of disambiguation when multiple versions of a resource are held by the library





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A particular physical presentation of a resource, including the physical form or medium of material for a resource


  • Use Form to describe the physical carrier of the content
  • Guidance for which Form terms to use can be found on the work-in-progress Genre + Form + Extent 🔒 spreadsheet
  • When adding a new Form element, start by searching within the available controlled vocabularies using the MMS authorities module
    • Select the radio button for Authority data search
    • Click Select from controlled terms to bring up the authorities module
    • Look up the form you wish to add in the search box
    • For all materials excluding audio and moving image (non-AMI), select a Form that is more granular than Genre
    • The order of preference for adding additional Form values absent from the Genre + Form + Extent 🔒 spreadsheet is:
      • LC Thesaurus for Graphic Materials (LCTGM)
      • LC Genre/Form Thesaurus (LCGFT)
      • Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT)
    • For audio and moving image (AMI), only terms from the Form (AMI) tab of the Genre + Form + Extent 🔒 spreadsheet may be used
    • To verify a result is appropriate, click the linked Authorized Term to view the corresponding record in the source authority
    • Once you have chosen the controlled term, click the Use this term button
    • Do not add Free text values for Form
  • When the analog source is a reproduction of the original (e.g., microform), Form is required



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A statement about the physical extent of the resource, in terms of units of measurement and material


  • Format the Extent string according to the relevant content standard
    • Include the extent, other physical details, and dimensions
  • See MARC 300



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General textual information about the physical description of a resource


  • Select a note Type for all notes
  • Format the Note string according to the relevant content standard
    • Include textual information about the physical details of the source object
  • A separate Note subelement should be used for each distinct note
  • Always select an appropriate Type from the dropdown menu
  • For notes describing the content, provenance, or other details, use the Note element at the record level

See Also