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General textual information relating to a resource

Table of Contents

  1. Purpose
  2. Guidelines
  3. Attributes
    1. Type
  4. See Also


  • To provide additional information about the resource that cannot be adequately captured in other fields


See Reparative Description › Workflows for workflows to follow in the event you wish to use the Note element to indicate description or content found to be harmful, biased, offensive, outdated, or inaccurate.



Required if Applicable

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Identifies what type of note is recorded


  • Select a Type for every Note element
  • Select admin for notes that should not appear publicly on Digital Collections
    • Admin notes can be used for:
      • Identifying uncataloged material
        • Use Uncataloged (YYYY-MM-DD INITIALS)
      • Documenting reparative description changes
      • Indicating known issues with digitized assets
      • Storing box and folder information from finding aid imports
        • Check with the division as to whether adding box and folder information to Note (admin) or Location (Call number/Shelf Locator) is preferred
        • It is not necessary to sign admin notes that contain box and folder information
    • Sign admin notes that you write yourself with (YYYY-MM-DD INITIALS)
  • If there is not an appropriate Type for the information in your respective note, use content

See Also