Electronic Record Package

Number that corresponds to a container of born-digital material described in a finding aid

Table of Contents

  1. Source
  2. Guidelines
  3. Format
  4. Inheritance
  5. Use With
  6. See Also



  • Electronic Record Package identifiers are automatically imported into their respective MMS container and/or item records when importing an EAD-encoded finding aid into MMS
  • For large and/or complex collections with EAD-encoded finding aids where a sizeable number of records are missing Electronic Record Package identifiers, reimporting the finding aid is recommended
    • After reimporting, relocate captures and request reassignment of rights to ensure all of the archives-related identifiers are correct in MMS
  • For smaller or less complex collections, it may be more time effective to manually adding missing Electronic Record Package identifiers to the respective container and item records
  • If adding a Electronic Record Package identifier manually for a container or item, it can be located with the following methods:
    • In the Archives Portal, the Electronic Record Package identifier can be found on the Detailed Description tab to the left of an item or container’s title (see example)
    • In the Archives Portal Admin Interface, the Electronic Record Package identifier can be found in the unitid field with the "type"=>"local_mss_er" in records with /components/ in the URL (see example)


Preferred structure
er.unique numeric identifier


  • If an item record with an Electronic Record Package identifier is converted to a container, set the Electronic Record Package to be Inheritable

Use With

  • Archives EAD ID, which correlates EAD-encoded finding aid components to their MMS container or item records, facilitating the display of digitized assets in the Archives Portal

See Also