Archives EAD ID

Required if Applicable

Identifier that correlates EAD-encoded finding aid components to their MMS container or item records, facilitating the display of digitized assets in the Archives Portal

Table of Contents

  1. Source
  2. Guidelines
  3. Format
  4. Inheritance
  5. Use With
  6. See Also



  • Archives EAD IDs are automatically imported into their respective MMS container and/or item records when importing an EAD-encoded finding aid into MMS
  • For large and/or complex collections with EAD-encoded finding aids where a sizeable number of records are missing Archives EAD IDs, reimporting the finding aid is recommended
    • After reimporting, relocate captures and reassigning rights to ensure all of the archives-related identifiers are correct in MMS
  • For smaller or less complex collections, it may be more time effective to manually adding missing Archives EAD IDs to the respective container and item records
  • If adding a Archives EAD ID manually for a container or item, it can be located with the following methods:
    • In the Archives Portal, the Archives EAD ID can only be found by viewing the XML for an EAD-encoded finding aid
    • The Archives EAD ID can be found within the <unitid> tag for a finding aid component that has the level attribute of file, e.g., <c05 level="file"><did><unittitle>Playbill, Ethel Barrymore Theatre</unittitle><unitdate type="inclusive" normal="1965-04">April 1965</unitdate><unitid type="local_mss">1749132</unitid>
  • In the Archives Portal Admin Interface, the Archives EAD ID can be found as the value of the identifier (local_mss) field in records with /components/ in the URL (see example)


Preferred structure
unique numeric identifier


  • If an item record with an Archives EAD ID is converted to a container, set the Archives EAD ID to be Inheritable

Use With

  • MSS Unit ID, which should always be present through inheritance for a record with an Archives EAD ID
  • Archives Collections ID, which are automatically imported into container and/or item records alongside Archives EAD IDs for collections with EAD-encoded finding aids

See Also