Archives Collections ID

Identifier that connects an archives collection from the Archives Portal and the Archives Portal Admin Interface to the MMS collection or standalone item record, present only for EAD-encoded finding aids

Table of Contents

  1. Source
  2. Guidelines
  3. Format
  4. Inheritance
  5. Use With
  6. See Also



Known Issue

MSS Unit ID is currently being erroneously imported as the Archives Collections ID value when importing a finding aid.
Last checked February 2024


Identifier type
Archives Collections ID
Preferred structure
archives_collections_unique numeric identifier


  • Do not set the Archives Collections ID to be Inheritable

Use With

  • NYPL catalog ID (B-number), which is automatically imported into the collection or standalone item record when importing either an EAD-encoded or PDF finding aid
  • MSS Unit ID, which is automatically imported into the collection or standalone item record when importing either an EAD-encoded or PDF finding aid

See Also